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College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Sciences



Based on the tremendous success & achievements of Punjab Institute of Preventive Ophthalmology (PIPO) & with a view to start postgraduate & subspecialty courses in Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences, PIPO was elevated to College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Sciences (COAVS) in 2007.

The basic aims and objectives, however, have not changed. Rather the scope of functioning of the college has broadened with the starting of new courses & launching of new projects.

The college which was started with a capital cost of Rs. 54.50 million at the inception is now being managed with a total budget of more than Rs. 36     million. In addition new initiatives have been started which include Provincial Programme for Prevention & Control of Blindness & Childhood Blindness survey, with an additional allocation of Rs. 14 million & Rs 20 million respectively.

Major partners of the college are INGOs e.g. Sightsavers International UK, Aus- Aid, Irish Aid, Fred Hollows Foundation Australia & Christoffelblinden Mission (CBM) Germany/ CHEF International. In addition Government of Pakistan, Punjab, WHO, corporate partners like Standard Chartered Bank and individual Philanthropists have also contributed.