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College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Sciences

Ocular Pathology & Microbiology

Ocular Pathology & Microbiology

Ocular Microbiology Laboratory
The ocular microbiology laboratory at College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Sciences (COAVS) is the well equipped laboratory which is dedicated to the investigation, epidemiology, pathogenesis and in vitro susceptibility profiles of ocular pathogens to improve ocular patient outcomes.
The main goals of the Ocular Microbiology Laboratory at the COAVS are:
  • To provide expertise on the emergence, detection and recovery of ocular infections.
  • To determine and correlate the in vitro efficacy of ocular antimicrobial therapy with patient outcomes.
  • To offer diagnostic and research support for faculty, fellows and residents in their pursue of state of the art discovery and management of ocular infectious diseases.
  • To monitor the infection control practices of the hospital to maintain high standards of patient care.
Dr. Sana Aslam
Ph.D. (Microbiology)
Ocular Microbiologist