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College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Sciences



Population of Punjab is 74.0 million. According to the National Survey of Blindness 2002-04 the prevalence of blindness in Pakistan is 0.9% with 1.5 million blind people in Pakistan out of which 0.9 million live in Punjab giving a prevalence of blindness in Punjab of 1.4%

Punjab Institute of Preventive Ophthalmology (PIPO) was established by Government of the Punjab to eradicate preventable blindness from the country and from the province of Punjab, in particular and to achieve the goals of Vision 2020 – “The Right to Sight.”  The institute was established in a record period of six months.

The total cost of the project was Rs 54.50 million, in which Government of the Punjab contributed Rs 27.84 million for the construction, whereas the remaining amount was provided by International NGO’s like Sightsavers International UK, Aus- Aid, Fred Hollows Foundation Australia, WHO and Philanthropists in the form of equipment, furniture and vehicles.

Chief Minister Punjab laid down the foundation stone on Nov 17, 2003, the actual construction started on Jan 6, 2004 and finished in six months & Chief Minister Punjab inaugurated the institute on Nov 27, 2004.