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College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Sciences

Diagnostic Ophthalmology

Diagnostic Ophthalmology

Diagnostic Ophthalmology is a feather in the cap of COAVS. It is equipped with most modern and state of art equipments.
Diagnostic sides covers screening and monitoring of glaucoma includes visual field assessment (perimetry) with the help of Humphrey Static Threshold perimeter with SITA standard and SITA fast strategies are used. SWAP is used to detect very early glaucoma damage in the eye.
Medmont Static threshold perimeter is also available.
To monitor changes and any changes in optic nerve head contours, HRT III (Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph) and OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) is used.
Ocular B-scan is the most attended and heavily loaded segment in diagnostic side. It is also the biggest referral centre with reliable and dependable reporting. This department enjoys its reputation in this region.
Biometry facility is available to measure the exact power of IOL implantation during cataract surgery.
Topcon state of an art digital fundus camera is available for routine retinal imaging as well as for handling the load of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FA). A panel of experts headed by experienced professorial staff in diagnostic ophthalmology reviews and comments on fundus findings in FA.
COAVS is equipped with ever first OCT in public centre. It is used to diagnose and follow the pathologies of macula.
Spectral microscope in Corneal Bank is used to measure the population density of endothelial cells.
Ultrasound based pachymeter is used for corneal thickness in glaucoma and keratoconus.